This is 197 miles with about 60% (116 miles) on dirt roads. Beginning at the Suwannee River Wayside Park on US-41, head into White Springs and cross the Suwannee River. Head south through Suwannee County and cross the Suwannee again at Branford. Head southwest into the Mallory Swamp WMA. Now head north through Mayo and proceed up the west side of the Suwannee River through the Twin Rivers WMA and cross the Withlacoochee River. Reaching the northern end of the track, skirt around Jennings and head south crossing the Alapaha River.
Completing the circuit of the Suwannee River basin you return to White Springs.
I classify this ride as big bike friendly. Bear in mind that there is some light to moderate sand depending on how much rain we've had. I would recommend decent dual sport tires. Also small bikes with adequate fuel range{~75 mi). Gas is available in White Springs, Branford, Mayo, and US129 at I-75.