Agrafa Mountains, Greece

EN Agrafa Mountains in Greece is a region rarely visited by tourists. Agrafa literally means uncharted, and the whole region is still very scarcely populated. Dirt tracks, gravel, rocky goat paths and forgotten mountain passages are in abundance, making it an absolute adventure riding paradise. Just outsie of the stunningly beautiful Meteora, Agrafa mountains is the Romanian Transfagarasan and the Bolivian Death Road combined. More: RTW Paul

LT Agrafa kalnai vidurio Graikijoje - motoekspedicijų rojus: apleisti žvyro vieškeliai, akmenuoti ožkų takai, ištisas bekelės kelių labirintas per kalnus ir absoliučiai jokio transporto bei žmonių, išskyrus pavienius avių piemenis. Agrafa regiono bekelė - tai Rumunijos Transfagarasanas ir Bolivijos Mirties Kelias viename.

Plačiau: Moto Aplink Pasaulį
185.36 km
8 years ago


ADV Greece RtwPaul Motoaplinkpasauli

Track comments
    • Start of track
      "2016-10-26 12:06:05 Auto"

      Ρεντίνα, Δήμος Σοφάδων, Karditsa Regional Unit, Region of Thessaly, Decentralized Administration of Thessaly - Central Greece, Greece
    • Start of track
      "2016-10-27 08:33:12 Auto"

      Epiniana, Δήμος Αγράφων, Regional Unit of Evrytania, Region of Central Greece, Decentralized Administration of Thessaly - Central Greece, 36073, Greece
    • Finish of track
      "2016-10-27 08:33:12 Auto"

      Κ. Καλεσμένου, Kalesmeno, Δήμος Καρπενησίου, Regional Unit of Evrytania, Region of Central Greece, Decentralized Administration of Thessaly - Central Greece, 36100, Greece
    • Finish of track
      "2016-10-26 12:06:05 Auto"

      Epiniana, Δήμος Αγράφων, Regional Unit of Evrytania, Region of Central Greece, Decentralized Administration of Thessaly - Central Greece, 36073, Greece